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The Band Member

Kent Ridge Sec

the band.

Tong Wei
Hwee ting
Jing Wei
Sqiud's odd blog

the tube.

Put in some music, videos or pics you wanna share with your friends!

the joint.

band history.

May 2007
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September 2008
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March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
April 2010
December 2010
October 2011
props to.

Designed by shinigami_ojou
Saturday 8 October 2011

im gonna use this blog to vent my frustrations and put all my thoughts here
i have to have two different lives which is making me go mad.if i get stressed,it probably be because of family stuff than studies..
i have one side of me that enjoys stuff without any worries.but there another side of me that i have to be the 'centre person'for everything at home cause no one at home is able to help themselves.not that i blame them.it rarely i have a meal that no one worries and rarely a time where no one is in a rush or in a quarrel.

its like im the one who has to stay strong for everyone and solve everybodies problem .the thing is, i can never be the one who has a problem.we are supposed to be spending more time with our grand parents .one with depression one sick due to old age.my grandma can never not think about happy stuff.my grandfather just sturrborn..i have so much thoughts in my head right now i cant even express it out..sigh.i hate this.


Monday 27 December 2010

im very very pissed now.


Wednesday 7 April 2010

its been a very busy week this week.lol
when i get home i will start to fall asleep just sitting on the sofa.
so much for studying.lol anyway heaven't really studied this week
bad bad bad.3 weeks more to exams start and the countdown on the board,
whenever i see the numbers decreasing its like omg omg omg
cause i still haven't studied everything yet... hahahah.sad.
kent ridge 10th anniversary on friday. haha i have to usher the vips then go be DOORMAN
yes. DOORMAN...with jacob... sucks man open close open close door haaha boring.
then school wasted so much on lighting which can make anyone go blind.lol especially the ones
outside the library. during rehearsals mr koh was quiet angry? shout shout shout. lol
then now instead of studying for exams must study and memorize the sittings for the vips.
monday had napfa lol like deprove from the not the test. lol
bad bad bad.
anyway i don't think anything else happened. other than crazy mood swings from people...
lol.if you know who i am talking about... lol
then today during rehearsals i was giddy for the last hour or so? lol don't know why but then when i came home i slept till dinner. pig i am.
hahah .

sucky week


Sunday 4 April 2010

HAHA!i think i shall start blogging again.haha so retarded.
its been awhile since i have blogged.lol
so anyway sec 3 already haha.
anyway i think my blog wont make it,
in the sense of i wouldn't blog after awhile again.
so whats the point of starting again? haha!
but i would if i feel like blogging still... lol.
sec 3,im getting more and more confused with
the chapters.lol and my poa balance sheet just won't balance!
exams are in less than one month time and i studied alittle already.
not as bad as not studying ah...
i really got nothing to blog about actually.
so tough i think thats why i stopped blogging for awhile.
also,kent ridge 10th anniversary and i'm ushering.
and i think ushering one of the vips haha.
napfa test on monday i'm too fat too pass.
will pass one la.my 2.4 timing improve.
lol right now is all the random crap i can think off and nothing
else.esli is waiting for me to post and thats about it.hah. fail.


Saturday 8 August 2009

today was fun fun fun fun fun!
sorry about yesterday i didn't tell
the full story hah.was so tired when i finished typing,i fell asleep straight away la.
haha.so, today woke up 8+ cause wayne sms-ed me...so
went to mrt station and waited for them haha.then we took mrt to chinese garden.
then waited for xinying,xinyi.kar and nauful , then walked to the chinese garden . had to walk soooo
far in just to get to the place to kayak.so we got into gear and started.i went with alvin on
the double .SO RETARD-LY FUN! haha
so row row row your boat up and down the stream,lol
then we capsized the boat was fun man.so row row row, then later Lionel came and he had
some better kayak cause he has a star.lol then we started playing splash here splash there haha then
after we finished we headed to a playground near kar's house ate cup noodles and chicken rice. haha then ate at a playground HAH!
after that we went to kar's house and shower.then bus-ed home.lol when i got off the bus i was lazy to wait for bus so walked home. SEE so healthy hah.then i SLEPT all the way to 6 lol was so tired.
after waking up changed and went out for dinner with my family including my uncle and aunt.lol
and and my laptop is DEAD!:( gg la



Friday 7 August 2009

as i said i would update :D
today was soo fun! had national day celebration :D
went to school at normal time,then assembled at class
lol.then we started off with the e-fair lol alot of people, so it was packed packed packed.
lol then we went for the bb game thing lol me,wayne,alvin and shawn got first lol
after the game we went to school hall and started singing home when we got in haha
then everyone got distracted by a red balloon then after awhile a pink.. me and alvin standing up when the other people sat down losers! all scared to stand up and alvin was thinking of sitting down,but in the end he stood up with me. haha
first we went to 2/5 to sing/shout with jacob and the floorballers.then the second time we went to the front 2/6
jingwei and all haha
after the thing ended me shawn alvin wayne and jinagwei went to alvin's house and played pool .after that we went up to his house and started slacking hahaha.then we kept on listening to song,play cards then laugh laugh laugh.
it was fun! spent about 5+ houes there can? .
anyway,tomorrow will be going kayaking.
then monday should be going out with "the family" haha randomness...



Thursday 6 August 2009

HAHA! AT LAST IM BLOGGING cause im bored...
lol.well last month had my birthday and had amazingly 4 cakes haha.
lol firts time.well i guess i will start updating?
try to. anyway saturday going kayaking well i hope la...
lol if i do i will be dragging alvin and maybe shawn along..lol
then the wayne's idiot family i think also going so he wants to go with them...
oh well...last two weeks has been the test week and so far past all so far only.
i hope i pass all la.lol.
today had oral was quite retarded la haha.
my teacher was ms lim hehe lucky.:D
then played soccer till 5.15?then went for tuition lol
today was alone in tuition so.boring ah anyway then came home and slacked all the way
hah.tomorrow is national day celebration.so national day lor.nothing much i can talk about...
ohoh!yesterday alvin,wayne and xinyi came over after school.lol me and xinyi were teaching them how to
play mahjong haha.well anyway

