haha if you notice
datina and i are
playing a wierd game i created..
LOL but
i think we are stoping at 37
o...sad we wanted to do till 100
if you have seen i hope you understand but
if not too bad ...on the left you see linoel
lewis Singapore's goalkeeper we took this picture at the airport when my sis
was leaving for singapore for a holiday o.. how sad i didnt go cause of psle results man!
i edited the photo HEHE
Thursday, 24 January 2008
damn tired siaaaaaa
Sunday, 20 January 2008
hey hey hey
told you i would tag again...
ive done most of my homework so
that means i left with like 1 or 2 homework left
YAY ill continue at 5:D watching psych
or somthing like thatahyo tmr start school
and i have to wake up early again ZZZ
cant wait for thursday can wake up
at 7+++ WOOHOOO
haha heroes rock i watch until episode 20
got time then watch even moreee
haha i wanna sleep.oo....man peter is
gonna explode!!!! oo...man haha issac is dead
his brain got taken out by sylar or if you know
gabrial=D sad...going to end my post soon...
im gonna sing a song now
ilove you
you love me
lets go out and kill xinlin with
a great big sword to cut her head.
and a gun for back up plan
dont you think its lovely too?
=D haha i know
i know its lame ok im going now haha
posted alot WOOO hehe
ahahahaha must watch youtube
and this is DAMN FUNNY!
watch all of thiss!!! it is very funny
hope you people reading like it.
i might be posting again later
Saturday, 19 January 2008

anyways yesterday
i went for floorball trails
but didnt go for others
so damn .... so my only hope
is to get in to floorball
argh theres a boy in my class called sheriffin.
he is one of my good friends now but
his evil... JKJK he boxed my arm and now blueblack
ZZZZ but i don't really care cause not pain
so sian im with a dead blog
so sian la im sitting on the second row
in the first lane and its like ZZZZ
cause of the sunlight very hard to see the words on the board
hah i miss everyone from hpps
and someones name starting with a D owes
me something hehehe ill be going
to hpps on 6feb with some people
so if anyone who is reading this and
is a henry parker if you are free come down TOO!
im getting bored anyone care to talk to me online now??
:Do...its 12am now haha
today went for wedding the whole day till
like 9.30?ok im going now
Saturday, 12 January 2008
back to blogging after a long long long break
hope more people cometo my dead blog =P